Ñuble, Chile, 14-15 September and 3-4 October
The Institute of Agricultural Development (INDAP) organized two training workshops on solar water pumps for irrigation on September 14th and 15th in its metropolitan headquarters and in the province of Ñuble on October 3rd and 4th for professionals from INDAP, CNR (National Commission of Irrigation) and university teachers in Chile.
More than 60 regional irrigation coordinators from Coquimbo to Los Lagos participated in the training courses, as well as professionals from CNR and teachers from the universities of Santiago and Concepción.
During the training, Gonzalo Zuñiga, an experienced engineer at COSMOPLAS, demonstrated how to use COMPASS, the ultimate tool for sizing solar pumps, as well as installation concepts, remote monitoring with PS Communicator and the operation of LORENTZ pumps and controllers.
In addition, a demonstration unit was presented to show the operation of a solar pump under real conditions.
We congratulate LORENTZ Distribution Partner COSMOPLAS on their participation in this event.
Learn more in this article on the INDAP website in Spanish language.